Afghan hound poodle mix

Afghan hound poodle mix

If you’re looking for a large, elegant dog, consider the aloof and intelligent afghan hound poodle mixture. This breed has all the intelligence and willfulness of either breed, but a little more poodle-ish williness. Considering its size and weight, you can expect it to shed quite a bit. To prepare for this, you should make sure that you have time to socialize and train your new best friend.

afghan hound poodle mix is aloof and elegant

The Afghan hound is a small, regal dog with a high head and long, swaying locks. They are dignified and courageous, yet they can be playful and clownish when they want to be. While they are aloof and elegant, they also have strong wills and need gentle leadership. They are an excellent choice for families with older children, although they are capable of obedience training if properly handled.

afghan hound poodle mix is intelligent

The Afghan hound is a smart, independent breed that will respond well to obedience training and commands. Its independent spirit is an asset to families with small children. These dogs will not play by the clock, which is ideal for kids. Children want a playmate that will engage in activities when they choose. And an Afghan hound will be just as content playing with your child when he or she chooses.

afghan hound poodle mix is a large dog

The Afghan Hound is a breed of dog with a long, silky coat and powerful jaws. They were originally bred as working dogs in Afghanistan, but were later introduced to England and America, where they became popular in lure-coursing competitions. While the Afghan Hound has numerous intermediate types, the two main ones are the Afghan hound and the poodle. The Afghan Hound, also known as the Balkh Hound, is a large, athletic dog that is excellent for training. It has a long, thin tail and a thick coat. The Afghan hound’s hind legs are much thicker than its forelegs, with large pads for cushioning injuries.

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afghan hound poodle mix sheds a lot

If you have allergies to dog fur, the Afghan hound poodle mix may not be the right dog for you. While both breeds shed a lot, poodles shed less than the Afghan Hound. The curly coat of a poodle traps shed items in the fur, which means that people with allergies will be able to tolerate them better. If you don’t have allergies, this breed may be an ideal choice for you.

afghan hound poodle mix needs exercise

If you’re thinking about getting an Afghan hound poodle mix as a new pet, you’ll need to plan an hour per day of activity for your new dog. You can divide this time into several short sessions throughout the day. Exercise your dog by taking him out on short, brisk walks, jogging, hiking, or even playing fetch in the backyard. You should also keep in mind that Afghan Hounds are very independent and will need their daily exercise in enclosed spaces.

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